Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2018

Smart Implants 2018/V

With this new series of short publications MedDEV News wants to introduce various concepts of SMART IMPLANTS.

Implantable Sensors  Make Medical  Implants Smarter

MedDEV News (ASME). Implantable sensors have been used in medical research for measuring parameters such as force, torque, pressure, and temperature inside the human body. Although sensors and electronics have been built into orthopedic implants, they tend to be bulky, costly, and unreliable. 
However, microfabrication and nanofabrication technologies have now advanced to the point where wireless, passive sensor systems can be incorporated into implants with little modification to the host implant, providing unique, personalized data for each patient that can be used to optimize outcomes.These advanced sensor systems must be small in size, compatible with human tissue, and sturdy enough to withstand the physical forces within the human body. They must also be self-powered and able to transmit data wirelessly. Ideal sensor systems are simple and robust, which minimizes the possibility of malfunction or failure.Now this kind of “smart implant” technology has taken a big step forward, thanks to new research at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) in Troy, NY. Researchers at RPI have fabricated and successfully tested tiny, wireless, passively powered implantable force sensors that can provide real-time in vivo force measurements.“These sensors can measure things that can’t be measured any other way in the body,” indicates lead researcher Eric Ledet, associate professor of biomedical engineering at RPI. “They can be used to detect healing. They can also be used to flag problems that can then be addressed before they become significant. The information from the sensors helps optimize the care each patient receives. Ultimately, we believe the sensors will lead to better outcomes, quicker return to work and to daily activities, and reduced healthcare costs.”